Township of Denville and the Denville Department of Recreation offer the public the option to participate in or attend indoor and outdoor physical, social and educational programs/activities held on Township of Denville property and other public and semi-public places accessible to large numbers of people on a daily basis.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals age 18 or older who wish to enroll themselves, their child or other dependent family member into a Recreation Program, or who seeks to volunteer in a Recreation Program, must complete, sign and return this Acknowledgment Form to Denville Recreation Department by no later than the start of the individuals sport season opening day prior to participating, or by the Recreation Program’s enrollment deadline. Enrollment and participation/volunteering in a Recreation Program is conditioned upon timely submittal of a completed Acknowledgment Form.
I/WE acknowledge that I/WE have been provided with, read and fully understand this Acknowledgment Form, the Center for Disease Control’s (“CDC”) and the New Jersey Department of Health’s (“NJDOH”) information and guidelines regarding COVID-19 and Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (“Pandemic Illnesses”), and the Denville Department of Recreation’s “COVID-19 Operational Plan” for 2021.
I/WE further acknowledge that the Pandemic Illnesses: (1) are highly contagious and may cause serious permanent bodily injury, including death, of healthy persons of all ages; (2) are subject to changing recommendations on limiting risk of exposure and spread; (3) remain prevalent throughout New Jersey; (4) are highly likely to spread to persons in direct contact with or in close proximity to (within about 6 feet) an infected person; (5) believed by the CDC/NJDOH to spread by droplets produced into the air when an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks or otherwise moves air out through their nose and mouth, and from touching surfaces on which droplets containing the virus exist.
I/WE further acknowledge that attending or participating in a Recreation Program poses an inherent and heightened risk of exposure, infection and bodily injury from the Pandemic Illnesses regardless of preventative measures taken by the Township of Denville.